Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Hope of Israel - Torino, Italy


It's been a great week here in Italy although it is getting HOT outside and I'm increasingly grateful that I don't have to be an Elder in a suit all day. A lot has happened since last I wrote! 

On Saturday we had a karate-choppin fun lesson with the relief society. Basically they had an instructor in a white uniform come and teach a group of 60 year old women (and us) how to defend ourselves in case of attack. It was very instructional even though we were all painfully aware by the end that there's no way we have the skill to retaliate if need be. But that's ok. They had good snacks after. 

On Sunday we learned how to make pizza! From a siciliano! Check that one off my mission bucket list. 

This week I got to finally read the full youth devotional that was presented by President and Sister Nelson. WHAT A TALK. I thought it was so inspired and perfect for the audience he was targeting and I loved the stories woven within. The part that stood out to me, however, was one the 5 points that he mentioned towards the end. These points consisted of President Nelson's challenge to the youth ages 12-18 to help "grow the kingdom of Israel", and including things like giving up social media for a week and giving a for strength of youth pamphlet to a friend. 

I realized that I as a missionary, for the most part, have already been fulfilling president Nelson's challenge for the past 10 months. Giving up social media, substituting "me" time with "missionary" time, doing some serious self checking and reassessing, and purposefully standing out and being different, particularly because of the black tag I put on my shirt everyday. 

But the thing that struck me most was the fact that president Nelson charged all the youth listening to "pray daily that all of God's children might receive the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ". And let me tell you, the past 2 and a half weeks since this devotional has been given, I HAVE SEEN THE EFFECTS OF THAT.  Even though my companions and I have been tucked away in northern Italy in a city that most people couldn't point out on a map, we have had so many people seek and search in a very short amount of time for US. This week even we met a woman on the bus who offered to have us come to her home after a matter of minutes. On Saturday we met with Eva and her friend Maria, enjoyed some food together, and gave them books of Mormon with the agreement that we will return and help them study it more. We have also had members bring new investigators for us to teach to church, old investigators making new progress, and finding activities leading to greater success. 

So. In my search to follow the promptings I received in reading the invitation from President Nelson, I wanted to thank all of those go have been praying for the kingdom of God to unfold and grow and progress in these latter days, specifically in these past 2 and a half weeks. It's really cool for me to imagine youth and others around the world praying for the work of building the kingdom of God forward, and my small section of the planet is starting to see the blessings. 

Vi voglio un mondo di bene!❤

Con amore, 
Sorella McConkie 

Finding summer flowersssss๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿฅ€

English class finding with our district

Celebrating with sorella Spencer after I made my first chili.

Posing with our karate instructor after our relief society activity

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