Thursday, February 22, 2018

Training and Trio's! - Lampugnano, Milan, Italy


How is everyone doing? I am sorry that I am terrible at writing group emails and that this is no exception, but I wanted to still share a couple things from my week:) First of all, we got transfer calls last friday and I am going to be a trainer! President Allen was so nice in the way he asked. He said, "I have been impressed to call you as a trainer. Will you accept this calling?" And I thought it was so kind that he was sharing a bit with me about how I wasn't just filling a slot of being a trainer for someone this transfer, but how he was inspired to do so. It's helped calm me a little bit these past few days as I have been a little nervous:) I am gaining a testimony that leaders are very inspired throughout our church, and that transfers every 6 weeks are a way  for me to more fully trust in the revelation that God is sharing with my mission president, and I'm praying that in all my callings in life that I can move forward with more faith and trust in where God places me.

The other exciting thing that I've been apart of this week is that Sorella Berrey and I got to have a third sister be with us for a week! Being in a trio has been fun, and the members have loved having us come over. We also got to meet with a potential family this week and we're praying that all will go well:) 

Sorry for just the mini update! I love you all!!

Sorella McConkie

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

And so it shall stand - Lampugnano, Milan, Italy

Hello everyone! 

All is well here in milano, and I'm attaching some photos of a young women's activity we helped with this week as well as the FHE/Birthday party that we had for Sorella Berrey:) 

Just a short scripture segment that I enjoyed this week as well was in 2 Nephi 24 where it says: 

"24 The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, saying: Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand". 

This was a lovely verse to remind me this week that God will continue to direct his children's paths towards righteousness, and his purposes will be made known on the Earth. I feel lucky to be part of this church and this gospel! 

Lots of love! ❤
Sorella McConkie 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ogni morte del papa... - Lampugnano, Milan, Italy

Buongiorno a tutti!! 

Happy Wednesday from a rainy Milan!! Sorella berrey and I have had a good week and here are some of our highlights:

1. Our investigators Jacinto and Andy are doing so well! They are 9 and 12 and we've been helping them and their mom for awhile now. They've actually been meeting with the sisters for years and this week they were finally able to come to church with the help of one of our members! We were so happy. This week we are going to their house to talk about baptism and we've been praying that everything will go well and that we can help them be baptized before the end of the transfer!

2. Last week in sacrament meeting, one of our members got up to speak and talked about this cool family that he had met who had agreed to come meet with them and the sister missionaries on Saturday and how he was so excited. Sorella Berrey and I kind of looked at each other in confusion realizing that we are the only sisters in our ward and had no idea what he was talking about. He proceeded to ask, from the pulpit, "Sorrelle, you're free on Saturday right? I told them you were coming so you kind of have to be there." Definitely the most interesting way I've received a referral on my mission thus far. But we did have dessert with this couple and got to hear all about their 2 kids and also give them a book of Mormon with a bookmark of our favorite chapters. We're hoping we get to meet with them again soon:)

3. On a general note, italian is becoming more and more fun to speak. It takes making mistakes and looking like an idiot practically every day...but I love this language and I can't wait to see myself in a year being able to speak like the missionaries who are finishing up their missions here now. The language is fun because it's also sooooooo reflective of italian culture. Just the fact that linguistically it takes a whole lot longer to say things in italian than English is reflective that italian culture is so much more about taking your time and enjoying life as it comes. Sorella Berrey and I were studying idiomatic expressions the other day and came across the Italian phrase equivalent for "once in a blue moon". In italian they say, "ogni morte del papa". Which means, "every death of the pope". #catholiccapital 

I'm grateful so much for all of my lovely friends and family, and I hope you're all doing well! Keep praying and keep believing and know that God loves you!

Sorella McConkie 

Photos: a member visit and a FHE activity
A member visit

FHE Activity