Wednesday, January 10, 2018

President Monson - Vicenza, Italy

Ciao everyone!

A few things from this week: 

1. I love president Monson. People here have been mourning his passing as I'm sure others have been around the world, and I just wanted to tell you all that I know that God gives us prophets because he loves us. President Monson taught me personally how to love a more charitable and Christlike life. My favorite story of our dear prophet is one shared by elder Holland that I wanted to pass on. He says:

"I pay a personal tribute to President Thomas Spencer Monson. I have been blessed by an association with this man for 47 years now, and the image of him I will cherish until I die is of him flying home from then–economically devastated East Germany in his house slippers because he had given away not only his second suit and his extra shirts but the very shoes from off his feet. 'How beautiful upon the mountains [and shuffling through an airline terminal] are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace.' More than any man I know, President Monson has 'done all he could' for the widow and the fatherless, the poor and the oppressed."

Isn't that just the sweetest?? I want to try to publish peace as president Monson has done throughout his whole life and try consistently to follow his example. 

2. This week, we had a "321" challenge given to us by President Allen. On Monday, he asked everyone to have at least 3 conversations with people on the street about what our purpose is here as missionaries, 2 phone numbers of people we talked to, and at least 1 Book of Mormon handed out. Sorella Hoareau and I were a little nervous because this was raising the bar a little for middle-of-winter in sleepy  (and often empty) Vicenza, but we were determined to do it, and we did!! It was one of the most spiritually charging experiences I've had and it's cool how us looking to do this challenge from president increased our faith and prayers, and led to a lot more good being done along the way, even when my language skills have worse days than others. The man we ended up giving the book of Mormon to started talking to us just because I could say "Is this your dog? He's cute!" It was great. 

3. Last thing, I'm getting transferred today! My 3 transfers in my most favorite city of Vicenza are coming to an end because Sorella Hoareau will be training here. I'm nervous and it's been rough saying goodbye to people, but I'm excited to go to my new city of MILAN!! There are several areas in the city of Milan,  and I will be going to an area called Lampugnano. Wish me luck! 

Love you all and have a lovely week!!

Love, sorella mcconkie 

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