Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Keep smiling - Pordenone, Italy

Ciao cari! Come state? 

What a week. The fact that it is already October 10th is freaking me out. 

This week on Thursday we taught Italian class and designed/ordered English class flyers and by the time we were finished I almost want to pull my hair out. The logistical stuff of missionary work isn't always my favorite. 

On Friday we went to do service! There is a placed named "il Giglio" here in Pordenone and my goodness I adore getting to go there every other week. We go for a couple hours where there is a  group of adults with disabilities, and we each take a buddy and walk around with them for a couple hours and take them as a group to walk around the city and get a little slice of pizza. This week I got to walk with a little woman named Federica who is probably around 45 years old but doesn't seem a day over 7. She was so smiley and friendly and my favorite was when I noticed that she had been memorizing names of people around the city. So she would shout, "ciao Katerina!" Or "Mary Lou come stai Bella!" And all sorts of things to friends she had met around the city during previous walks. I told Sorella Johnson that Federica would make a great missionary because if she didn't know someone, she would just look at them and give a huge grin and go, "Ciao! Come stai?" And ask their name. She was good at making friends wherever she went. 

We had a bit of a weird dinner appointment later that night where our spiritual thought on prophets and conference suddenly switched to them asking questions about why people struggling with same gender attraction are allowed to come on missions. Thanks to the spirit and a lot of the gift of tongues we were able to sufficiently answer their questions and it turned into a really good spiritual discussion. 

Saturday and Sunday were the absolute best and conference is such a blessing mamma Mia. How does everyone feel about 2 hour church? I think it's going to be such a cool adjustment to our church and home lives. I love that the church is focusing on intertwining the gospel into our everyday actions and not just being a "Sunday church." I also think that the adjustment is a blessing in lives of missionaries because 2 hour church seems much less intimidating to a new investigator. I'm so excited!!! 

My favorite talk was by Robert C. Gay of the 70. That and the talk by Elder Holland. What was your favorite? I'd love to hear what stood out to anyone else. 

Monday was an amazing day and thank you to everyone who reached out to wish me happy birthday. I was flooded with love from all of you and from my companion and some special new friends here in Pordenone and I was so grateful for all of it! That night we had our favorite Portuguese family invite us over and they made a banana cake and sang to me in English, Italian and Portuguese. Mission birthdays are strange but oh so fun. 

I hope you all have the loveliest of weeks and I'll send along some photos as well. 

The church is true and God loves YOU

love, Sorella McConkie 


My birthday cake

Finding in the rain while eating fresh grapes

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