Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Watch Conference! - Pordenone, Italy


I'm in pordenone! Sorry for the no group email last week, turned out to just be a pretty busy day. 

After a car, a missed train, 3 other trains and long walk with 3 suitcases, I made my little rainbow jump across the country 2 weeks ago during transfer day and I've finally settled into my new home. As always, transition is bitter sweet but the first night I got here I said a prayer and was truly happy and thankful to God for all he's given me. It surprised me to feel like that, especially after a day of such chaos and energy and goodbyes that made me sad. But I'm excited for this transfer. And here's a highlight reel of some of the best things these past weeks: 

1. English class! We've taught English twice so far while here and I love it in every city. We showed the "mountains to climb" video which is SO GOOD 

2. Consiglio! Also named mission leadership council, it was such a TREAT to go back to Milano where I served for 3 transfers and see some mission people who are so very close to my heart. We talked during this meeting about how we can help the mission develop and grow and I really felt the spirit as our mission president talked and discussed with us about how we are a "mission of miracles". My favorite quote was when sorella Allen said, "God is always going to work his miracles. So let's make sure that he works them BECAUSE of us and not IN SPITE of us." 

3. Tracting! Sorella Johnson is a beast at finding and we are in desperate need of investigators here. So we go door to door and try to strike up conversations and have had a few people with some interest. We make it fun by setting rewards for ourselves, so if we find for so long then we get to stop by a bakery or watch a district episode after 9 or whatnot. Keeps things interesting.

4. Visiting members from allll over the world. We've been bonding with a Portuguese single mom and also a Hawaiian family who cracks me up. They have 5 kids and the dad told us a hilarious story of how he proposed to his wife while she was still a missionary on temple square. Legend. 

These past couple weeks I have been pondering the significance of why we set goals. Our gospel is one of eternal progression, so we should always be making steps to get better and grow closer to our Heavenly Father. He doesnt demand that we are perfect, but he does ask that we practice. Every month for the extent of my mission, I sit down at the beginning of the month and write down a list of goals that I want to work on for the upcoming weeks, and I always think and pray about what God wants me to be doing. I write these goals on individual index cards and keep them in the back of my journal and pull out my month's card when I need a reminder of what I am striving towards that month. This transfer has proven to be one where I'm being tested on my diligence. And I'm gaining a testimony that our goals are made manifest through faith and diligence. I love in the scriptures where it says:

D+C 103: 36 
"All brought to pass unto you through your diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith." 

Good week, good month coming up and I'm PUMPED for conference. Small request - for anyone still reading, I'm going to start a little project and I want to know what everyone's favorite talk is during conference. So send me which one was your fav next week!! I'd love to hear which one struck you most personally! 

Vi voglio bene 
Love, sorella McConkie 

Ps sorella Johnson and I are going on an English fast this week so pray for me haha 

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