Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Mission told us to... - Pordenone, Italy


Transfers come quickly, do they not? This one is pretty anticlimactic though because both sorella Johnson and I are staying in Pordenone to do a second together. Yay! 

This week has been good, nothing crazy happening but some exciting stuff in the works. We visited with our investigator Iqra who is from Pakistan and talked to her more about the plan of salvation. It's been like a 3 part lesson trying to teach her about it and we finally finished it and she also agreed to pray for the first time at the end of the lesson and it really warmed our heart to see her making progress. She's so sweet and honestly trying to be good and do the right thing. 

The mission office told us to get flu shots this week which turned into an interesting adventure. Apparently when you go to a pharmacy in this country they are not allowed to administer a flu shot to you, but they are allowed to sell you the packaged needle. So. Sorella Johnson being the medical professional she is administered the flu shot to our whole district in the church kitchen. We felt better finding out later that the rest the mission had to also DIY the process of getting flu shots, but we still hope no one was peeking in the church windows. 

We had a few really awesome member appointments in the evenings this week, one with a new convert family that are from Chile. They were baptized earlier on in the year and are some of the most faithful people I've ever met. It's a single mom and her daughters and live in humble circumstances but are doing their best to follow the teachings of the church. For all new missionaries coming into Pordenone, they have a dinner where they just fire hose us about details from out lives. By the end of getting interrogated I felt so much closer to these new converts and loved getting to know them as well. We chatted about conference and how they had been strengthened by it. 

I invite you all to go ask more questions this week:) through questioning is how we receive answers. We asked questions to Iqra and that's how she finally understood the plan of salvation. The Olivares family asked me a bunch of questions and now I feel so much love for them. And when you decide to ask God questions in humble prayer, "it shall be opened unto you." 

Vi voglio un mondo di bene! 

❤Sorella McConkie 

 Eating lunch on exchanges with le sorelle di Vicenza, a gorgeous sunset from the other night, driving with our Zone Leaders, and a district photo (the number of chairs represents number of transfers we've done. We were an OLD district of 14, 11, 11, 10, 10, and 8 transfers). 

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