Wednesday, March 14, 2018

That They Might Come To Understanding - Lampugnano, Milan, Italy


Happy Wednesday from good old Milano. Things are going well and it's seems like just yesterday we had last week's pday!! Time is odd here. 

This week has been great!! I'm attaching some pictures of some English finding with our Anziani, a photo with some other sorelle and members at stake conference, and a package we made for a girl in our ward who goes into the MTC soon. Sorella Pearson and I have a mutual friend from back home in Utah who is serving a mission right now in Russia, who had always been so good at composing cute things like this, so we decided to "channel our inner Maddie" and make this little package for her to open and feel a tad less overwhelmed while in the Provo MTC where she won't know how go speak English and will feel a little further away from home. 

One of my favorite snapshot moments from this  week was with a member named Lara. She is a blind member who lives alone in a sketchy area and is depressed and has some financial problems but loves coming to church. Another problem that she has expressed is that it's hard because she wants to read the scriptures so badly, but the church hasn't done all the audio versions in Italian yet and that's the only way she can listen to them. We visited her on Monday after weeks of racking our brains as to how to help her, after having some technological attempts fall through, and decided that the best solution for now would be to go and just read the scriptures our loud to her once a week. We went to her house and asked her if that would be an ok plan and she instantly responded with a "yes! Yes! Of course! Immediately! Yes!" And also was so happy and excited that it was our own idea instead of the church telling us to do something for her. We read to her on Monday the first section of the D+C, because that is what she says she wants to learn more about, and this verse stood out to me as we were reading: 

24 Behold, I am God and have spoken it; these commandments are of me, and were given unto my servants in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding.

That particularly touched my heart. I felt like a instrument in God's hands as we sat across from Lara, and God's prophecies coming into further light as we (the servants in weakness) were able to help someone come to further understanding in their own language. 

Other than that, I don't have too much to report on this week! We found a new investigator to teach, we met with a few struggling investigators and inactives, and have been enjoying the beautiful sunshine. 

Have a gorgeous week! 
Love, sorella McConkie 

I'm attaching some pictures of some English finding with our Anziani, a photo with some other sorelle and members at stake conference, and a package we made for a girl in our ward who goes into the MTC soon.

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