Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"Can I confess myself quickly?" - Bergamo, Italy

Well hello! Happy Wednesday from Italy and I hope you are all having a lovely day. 

This week has gone by pretty fast. We taught lessons to some of my favorite investigators this week. Andrea is getting baptized at the end of August and we taught him and his wife about the gift of the holy ghost and read 2 Nephi 31 together. I think it was one of the most powerful lessons I've had and we all felt the spirit pretty strong. 

Sorella Ashcraft and I tried to do some book of Mormon finding this week thst didn't quite work out so well...but we had fun! Getting rejected is a good life experience. 

We had another lesson this week with a woman named {S}, who asked just to walk around and talk with us for a little while. {S} is very Catholic but LOVES the missionaries. We focused our walking lesson on explaining our purpose really clearly and saying how we left our families and lives to help bring people into baptism in our church. In the middle of our lesson we walked past a pretty Catholic church (fun fact: the city of Bergamo has 200 Catholic cathedrals) and she pulled us inside to look at it. As I was taking a picture of the awesome ceiling she comes up behind Sorella Ashcraft and I and goes, "Can I confess myself quickly?" And points to the priest sitting at the confessional booth!! We just kind of went, "um...sure?" And sat in the pews while{S} confessed to the priest...probably the fact that she was meeting with the Mormon missioanries. 

We went to visit another woman named {T} this week and attached this scripture that I love to a batch of cookies which reads: 

That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

And I know that this is so true! As we continue to find little bits and pockets of light in our lives then they will continue to grow brighter and brighter. There will always be things in our lives that can testify to us that Christ is indeed "the light and the life of the world". Faith grows line upon line and our light we shine to others grows in parallel with that. 

So be a LIGHT! 


Lots of love, 
Sorella McConkie 

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